


10 Facts About Whiskey to Share with Your Friends


Most people don’t know much about what they’re drinking, so we thought we’d compile a list of facts about whiskey.

1. Sometimes it’s spelled whisky. Mainly, the United States and Ireland added the “e” to the name.

2. Since 1608, the Old Bushmills Distillery in Northern Ireland is the oldest licensed whiskey distillery in the world.

3. A diabetic’s urine can be made into whiskey.

4. About 500 years ago in Scotland, hundreds of whiskey distilleries were given harsh taxation and struggles against English government, which resulted in homemade illegal distilleries.

5. Although whiskey can survive for 100 years in a glass bottle without changing its flavor, it can only age in wooden casks.

6. Jack Daniels once gave novelty branding irons as promotional gifts. Some people took it to heart and suffered from serious burns by actually using them.

7. Sources say that moderate use of whiskey can be beneficial in preventing strokes, dementia, heart attacks, clotted arteries, and increase good cholesterol and fight against cancer cells.

8. Whiskey can withstand cold temperatures of down to -30 degrees Celsius.

9. Mountain Dew was initially made as a chaser for whiskey; its name was slang for moonshine.

10. Malt whisky is made primarily from malted barley; grain whisky is made from any type of grains.

The Half Wall in Deland and New Smyrna Beach has a full liquor bar, including some of the most popular whiskey brands. Share these facts with your friends over a shot or two!