


Anderson Valley – January Beer of the Month

Anderson Valley Brewing Company was founded on December 26th, 1987 in the town of Boonville, CA.  Initially, beers were brewed out of a modest 10-barrel brew house located in the lower level of their original brewpub, The Buckhorn Saloon. Stainless steel vats brewed and fermented barley and other specialty grains to create ales, porters, stouts, and wheat beers. At the time, Anderson Valley Brewing was one of only 20 craft breweries in the country. They have long been considered one of the pioneers of the craft beer industry.

By 1996, the demand for Anderson Valley’s award winning ales exceeded the capacity of their 10-barrel brewery. Construction was begun on a 30-barrel facility just one mile down the road from the Buckhorn Saloon. By expanding the company’s capacity and introducing a 12 ounce bottling line, the brewery was able to double its production level to 15,000 barrels in a little over a year. Their growth had once again outpaced their space and capacity, and in 1998 construction began on Anderson Valley’s current three-story Bavarian-style brew house. The centerpieces of the brew house are the gleaming 100- and 85- barrel copper brew kettles rescued from two defunct German breweries during a trip to Europe in 1995. The new brew house went online in August of 2000.

For more information, visit

Join us at The Half Wall on Tuesday nights in January (8pm to close) and receive 25% off all Anderson Valley beers!!